Study tools:
current events
Relevant databases:
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Click on one of the continents to go to the CultureGrams database. There you can find information and data about each country in that continent.
Use the Topics tab on this website to get more information about historical events and world history.
Provides video reviews, or "crash courses," on major events and movements throughout history. They offer World History 1 and 2, with a variety of videos in each category.
This database provides timely access to the best newswire content available globally as well as a growing archive of news that may not be in any traditional print sources
Access the most recent news content outside of the US and Canada, along with archives of newspapers, newswires, and news sites.
Get information about the history, people, society, government, etc of the countries of the world straight from America's Central Intelligence Agency.
Learn about the countries of the world through one of the topmost travel websites. Find out what there is to do and see in the world.
Use this database to learn about some of the world's most controversial leading issues (with an emphasis on America's involvement).
This link will take you to a general search of many different databases, some of which include newstreams with the following focuses: Canadian Newsstream, Global Breaking Newswires, International Newsstream, Religion Database, Social Science Database, and US Newsstream.
Get information about the world's leading issues on an international level.
This database provides you with articles detailing historical events, important people, and ancient civilizations.
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Click on one of the continents to go to the CultureGrams database. There you can find information and data about each country in that continent.